Product Description
EARTH ENERGY TREATMENT- I also often have them under my clothing directly on the skin, they are great for doing nature energy treatments of various parts of my body, including lower back, tense shoulders, hip, chest, tummy and even mid-back held in place by a bra.
CHARGING FOOD- I often pull them out to charge up good energy into my food or drinks. Muscle test any item before or after charging it. HUGE difference
EMF HARMONIZING - COVER ELECTRICAL OUTLETS ESPECIALLY NEAR HEAD OF BED (I use duct tape), get our BOOGER GLUE and adhere to the back of iPads or tablets.
Size dimensions - 1 1/2 x 3 inches
Earth Energy Squishy
Made with our extra flubbery material :)
The newest Earth Squishies contain all the advancements of: Double Stuff, Puffy Crystal, and Super Shrunk formulas! The Squishy lite is a little more special as we have found a new base material that makes it extra flubbery & durable. About half the thickness of a regular squishy.
- The Double Stuff Formula contains double the stones, Flower Essences, essential oils, and Liquid Crystal, making the Earth Mat material extra potent with the yummy earth ingredients!
- Puffy Crystals amplify the conductivity and strength of the Earth Mat material. By adding this formula, it creates tiny bridges for the energy to move through the base of our Earth Mat material. Testing showed by adding this ingredient, the Earth Mat material is several times stronger energetically and now works out both sides.
- Super Shrunk aids in compressing the tiny quartz spheres to amply the piezo electricity!
Grounding, ionizing, vibration raising & earth nurturing. Earth Energy Squishies provide Vibrational Therapy that brings the balance of nature back into our modern lifestyles by pulling out non-beneficial energies and feeding back nature's nurture. Grounding has been shown to balancing cortisol, help with pain relief, stress hormone levels, inflammation and MUCH more.
Earth gives off electromagnetic pulses. The electro feeds the energy IN and the magnetic pulls the non-beneficial energy OUT. Squishies are concentrated energy that nurtures our body in the same way as the earth PLUS essential plant oils and therapeutic gemstones! A little piece of concentrated EARTH :)
Never Runs Out of Energy
These squishies are self-clearing and self-generating of energy. They run on their own natural batteries of Universal and Earth Energies.
GIVES a UNIQUE DELIVERY of EARTH ENERGY-- Alive with waves of therapeutic nature energy with a unique natural delivery system that pulses out gentle infrared rays of natural piezoelectric energy. They deliver the healthy vibrations of essential plant oils, therapeutic gemstones, and liquid quartz crystal in a deep and powerful nurturing method; beneficial to body, mind, and soul.
Squishy contains over 80 essential plant oils, liquid crystal & gems of
Clear Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Banded Agate, Labradorite, Peridot, Smoky Quartz, Sunstone, Prehnite, Dalmatian Jasper, Fancy Jasper, Selenite, Rutilated Quartz, Mookaite, Blue Lace Agate, Moss Agate, Green Aventurine, Tigers Eye, Rhodochrosite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Picture Jasper, Orbicular Jasper
Suggested Uses
Squishies are excellent for clearing food and drinks of non-beneficial energy by recharging them with healthy nature balanced nurturing energy! It is good to use the squishies to charge your food (specifically prepared frozen foods and microwavable foods). You can also use them as wrist pads while you’re on your laptop, use them to sooth discomfort on your body, you can place them in your bra for a clearing of toxic energy or near your heart for comfort... and even in your plants! Your pets and plants will also benefit from the use of these powerful energy sources.
Home Made Energy
Squishies are all handmade with care. We grind over fourteen different types of stones and use the finest of oils and flower essences while blending all this with our precious Liquid Crystal Formula. We started creating these squishies in our kitchen! The process is laborious, timely and the materials utilized make them costly to produce. We bring them to you as affordably as we possibly can. Enjoy :) The energy in your squishy is ongoing and will last you for many years (as long as you don't microwave them).
(to try with your squishy.)
Here are some ideas on ways to help expand your awareness of energy, your body, and your environment.
1. SHOW ME! Try freezing water with the VibesUP Earth Energy piece under the glass - notice the crystalline formations it creates at a higher vibration. (If you want to do a before the test, you need to do the non-energy test first as once your earth piece enters your freezer it raises the vibration of that environment even after you take it out.)
2. FEEL IT! Hold it to an area that is stiff or sore - notice a significant change in 5-10 minutes.
3. MAKING OXYGEN - The Bubble Experiment: Vibrations and oxygen tend to go hand-in-hand. Raise or lower one and the other follows. Put a bottle of water on the earth piece, and let it sit - as it raises the vibration of the water, notice in time that bubbles of oxygen also start to form in the water!
4. EATING TEST- Try eating something that usually leaves you tired and drained but this time charge it for 2-5 min first - notice how much better you feel eating charged food.
5. MUSCLE TEST: We test on expensive machines, but you can do an affordable, accurate test using your body’s wisdom. What makes you strong or weak is an indicator of what increases your life energy and what drains it. If you do not know how to do a YouTube search for 'how to muscle test.'
5A) Try a test thinking about the people, situations or food that may not be uplifting so you can have awareness of what things you may want to shift in the upcoming year. Our bodies know what's best for us.
5B) Test food or drinks, then charge it by holding it to anything VibesUP for a minute or two, and then retest them. When food is first picked it is full of live energy, but by the time we get it, it can be pretty dead and drained. Notice how much stronger you test when the food has been recharged with natural energy.
5C) Test thinking of a challenge, then hold the earth energy piece to your inner-wrist for 2 mins and test again. Maybe even get playful if someone has a blood pressure tester and see how blood pressure is affected by different scenarios.
6. TASTE TEST: Taste water, and then let it charge for a while and taste it again. Not only is it smoother, silkier, slightly sweeter, but also more alive! Some can even taste the difference in their charged food.
7. A VIBE CAR WASH- This is a whole-body energy test and Energy TuneUP. If you have two VibesUP items, hold one of them on the front and back of the chest area and let the energy go where its priority is. You could line up 10 family members and they would all have different experiences, as energy tends to go where their priority is. Nature never forces, so some may feel nothing while others that are ready for beneficial change may even notice their bodies moving around as they realign.
8. EMOTIONAL CLEARING- or Nature Spa!: Try holding the VibesUP Earth Bottom Bottle to the heart chakra and just close your eyes and relax. Stony bottom on the chest, with the bottle, pointed out (the steel works like an antenna) - notice the feeling of releasing stuck emotions that may be holding you back in life (or re-attracting similar situations). You may also notice a sense of peace like you’re in a Nature Spa!
I am SO excited about my double stuff!!
Since Thanksgiving, I have been eating pumpkin pie, pumpkin cake, and pumpkin ice cream basically for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, yet I still feel great. I think the saving grace is that I have been charging all these goodies on VibesUp products. Also, I think the new Double Stuff grounding mats, which I sit and sleep on, are super energizing!
- C.P., Los Angeles