Product Description
Treated with our Chakra Balancing Formula!
What are 'Vibes'? How do they affect my life? Science has now confirmed that everything is energy and has a vibration. Your food, your body, even your thoughts have an energy or vibration. The good news is there are now TWO SPECIAL KEYS to unlocking the mystery on how to design the life you want.
The first key is: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION - Like attracts like - Similar to tuning into a radio station, whatever the signal going out is exactly what you attract back. Your good thoughts can attract more good back to you. This VibesUP Pendant can also powerfully attract specific good energy into your life.
The second Key is: High and low vibrations cannot co-exist.; For example, a light bulb can not be on and off at the same time. Now we can understand when we raise our vibrations we have created an environment that the low vibrations of germs, disease and negativity do not thrive in, or want to be around. Our good thoughts can raise our vibrations AND your VibesUP pendant can powerfully raise the vibration of you, your food, your thoughts and YOUR LIFE! Go Ahead, Attract some GOOD today!
Silver Plated copper with Swarovski stones.
***Limited Supply***
These special Chakra tools are coated with the VibesUP Award winning formula of Essential Plant Botanicals and Therapeutic Gem Dust in a Liquid Crystal amplifying coating. What can they do? Each coated stone is tuned into the specific energy of each chakra at its healthiest. All Natural and tested for its accuracy by modern technology.
Keep your VibesUP- High and low Vibrational energy cannot co-exist. Germs, Disease, Pain, Depression, Stress, Judgmental or Grumpy thoughts vibrate low. VibesUP tools will help raise the vibration of you, your food and your body. Vibrate HIGH attract healthy beneficial experiences. Additionally you will find your thoughts are naturally more uplifted when you vibrate high.
Try a fun TEST- You can experience these tools working. Hold any item up to your chest and have someone gentle push down on your other outstretched arm... If item is beneficial for you, (high energy value) your arm will hold strong, if non beneficial your (low energy value) your arm goes weak. Try holding the non beneficial item against any VibesUP product for 30 seconds- Energy value is raised- RETEST. Your arm now holds super strong! The uplifting effect this had on the item is also happening with you when you wear it.
Science can now validate and expand our awareness of how important our chakras are.
Advancements in the scientific studies of Vibrational Energy show that Chakras are the power plants of our bodies. Chakra functioning can become unbalanced or impaired which than effects that area both physically and how we interact with the world around us. For example if as a child you were told your opinion did not matter your throat chakra may constrict and function at a minimum energy level. As an adult you may notice challenges in communication and health issues in the throat area such as thyroid functioning.
Disclaimer: The above information is not a claim for healing, prescriptions or healthcare information.